In the near future, a mysterious phenomenon afflicts humanity and unexplained mutations gradually transform parts of the population into human-animal hybrids. These creatures are considered by many to be a threat and are sent to a specialized center in an attempt to stop the development of their mutations and control their apparent propensity for violence.
After an attack in the forest on a convoy bringing hybrids to a new facility, paranoia spread through the local community, and the surviving creatures scattered into the wild. François and his 16-year-old son Emile embark on a desperate search for his wife, Lena, who disappeared after the attack. François holds on to their family past, but gradually loses control over Emile, who begins to notice transformations in his own body, which makes his fate increasingly uncertain. However, Emile secretly bonds with the creatures he encounters in the forest, and their humanity opens his eyes, leaving him and his father forever changed as the authorities close in.
- Sat 28.09.2024. 20:00
Rector's palace
Poljana Šime Budinića
23000 Zadar