As a black humor comedy about a neighbor's conflict, Hafsteinn Gunnar Sigurðsson's "Knock on a Tree" shows us how far the wrath of two married couples can go, whose foundation lies deep beneath a large tree in the suburbs.
The story of the film follows a long-standing feud between two couples that culminates in a tree in Inga and Baldwin's yard, which, due to its size, creates too much shadow on the estates of Konrad and Eybjorg. Passions are aroused, and through, at first glance, a superficial quarrel, we learn more about these two married couples whose characters and behavior were shaped by their own life events, some of which were tragic. Touching at times and hilarious, the film "Under the Tree" will certainly be remembered for its portrait of neighborly relations, marital quarrels and understandable anger.
- Wed 02.12.2020. 20:00
Rector's palace
Poljana Šime Budinića
23000 Zadar